30 December 2019

That girl—so cool and quiet—
Hides behind a wall;
She often wonders whether
Others care at all.

That wall—though tall and daunting—
Might absorb some light.
A crack, suffused with brightness,
 Could relieve her plight.

23 December 2019

A Healthy Heart
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5 KJV).

For the past couple of years my secret to good health has been this: Avoid doctors. After all, they might tell me some bad news, prescribe a bucketful of pills, or demand that I give up chocolate. My husband disagreed with my laissez-faire approach. But I leaned on that rickety cane of human understanding, determined to live in ignorant bliss.
And I did live in bliss, until the sore throat showed up. It lingered; it loitered. It unpacked its bags, refusing to leave my esophagus. So I decided that maybe, just maybe, my previous approach needed to be tweaked. Okay, I would admit that living in ignorance when something seems to be amiss is a bad idea. And I reasoned that keeping tabs on my health is simply being a good steward of life. I needed to take care of my children, after all, so my haphazardness had been less than the best.
But once again I leaned on that wobbly cane of human understanding, and I came up with this: I would ask God to keep me alive for as long as I am useful, but not long enough to be a burden. There. That sounded noble, generous, wise.
Then it dawned on me. Since God is in control of life, since He is able to bring good out of what seems to be bad, shouldn’t I willingly place my health in His hands? And if I ever am a “burden,” I know He can use that situation to humble me, to bring good out of my life and out of the lives of those who care for me. My new idea—which is neither my own nor new—boils down to trust.
God knows how long we will live; He knows how to bring good out of every one of those days. I believe that, even if I needed a reminder. So while I await an appointment to have my sore throat evaluated, I will try to avoid that old cane of human understanding. I want to lean on God, trusting Him with all my heart.

16 December 2019

God’s goals for His children: to draw us to Himself, to conform us to the image of His Son, to help us yield to the Spirit, to humble us, to encourage us to lean on Him alone, to wean us from this wicked world, to lessen the appeal of sin, to stir within us a longing for heaven. ... Often the most effective means to accomplish these goals is to allow fiery trials into our lives. We cringe, but we can take great comfort in the fact that our Father knows at what temperature to set the thermostat. He aims to purify us, to strengthen our faith in Him. As with the three Hebrew children, the Lord is IN the fire with us and will see us THROUGH!

09 December 2019

Summer Sermon
Rain falls from heaven,
And thirsting soil receives
A refreshing drink.

On Sunday morning,
Gentle words rejuvenate
A sensitive heart.

Then red roses bloom,
Giving color and perfume
To this grace garden.