30 January 2023

Pressed out of measure and pressed to all length.
Pressed so intensely it seems beyond strength;
Pressed in the body and pressed in the soul,
Pressed in the mind till the dark surges roll;
Pressed by foes, and pressured by friends;
Pressure on pressure, till life nearly ends;
Pressed into loving the staff and the rod,
Pressed into knowing no helper but God;
Pressed into liberty where nothing clings,
Pressed into faith for impossible things;
Pressed into living a life for the Lord,
Pressed into living a Christ-life outpoured.
—Annie Johnson Flint

25 January 2023

God’s Thoughts and Mine
The Hammer thoughts
That pound and shatter peace;
The Rodent thoughts
That gnaw and will not cease;
The Brier thoughts
That pull and prick and scratch;
The Rover thoughts
That I can never catch;
The Serpent thoughts
That leave their lairs at night;
The Shadow thoughts
That dim the new day’s light;
These are my thoughts;
Oh, take them, Lord, I pray,
Out of my heart,
And cast them far away;
And in their stead
Give me those thoughts of Thine,
So crystal-clear,
So holy, high, and fine,
That I shall grow
By their pure grace enticed,
Worthy to think
The lovely thoughts of Christ.

—Annie Johnson Flint

22 January 2023

“Why do bad things happen to good people?
That only happened once, and he volunteered.”
—R.C. Sproul

18 January 2023

“Suppose that by revenge you might destroy one enemy; yet, by exercising the Christian’s temper you might conquer three‌—your own lust, Satan’s temptation, and your enemy’s heart.” —John Flavel

15 January 2023

“Oh, a barn, or stable, hedge, or any other place is desirable, 
if God is there.” 
—David Brainerd

12 January 2023

“This life was not intended to be the place of our perfection, 
but the preparation for it.”
—Richard Baxter

08 January 2023

“A man’s greatest care should be for that place where he lives longest; 
therefore eternity should be his scope.”
—Thomas Watson

05 January 2023

“There is a God in heaven who overrules all things for the best; 
and this is the comfort of my soul.” 
—David Brainerd

02 January 2023

“We are a long time in learning that 
all our strength and salvation is in God.” 
—David Brainerd