25 October 2023

Shiny and Sharp

“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend” (Proverbs 27:17). I pondered the second part of this verse, wondering how one could influence his friend’s facial expression. I listened to a sermon to learn one preacher’s answer: Another’s words enter the hearer’s heart and the result can be reflected on the face.

The preacher also pointed out that one uses a file on a dull saw, making it shiny and sharp. Friends can do this for each other—and friends could include members of our family, faraway readers of our words, and suchlike. Conversation can stimulate a friend’s intellect, stir him to use his gifts, spur him on to serve the Lord with gladness. Such inspiring words could surely put a smile on the face of a friend.

22 October 2023

Just Dust

At some point my mouse pad began the bad habit of slowly sliding across my desk instead of staying in place; eventually I asked my husband for advice. He examined the back of my mouse pad and discovered some dust. He headed to the kitchen, grabbed a nylon brush, and swept away the debris. After that my mouse pad behaved itself and stayed in place.

Inspired, the next day I washed the front of my mouse pad, since I had noticed a spot of dust there as well. It’s amazing what bristles, warm water, and a dab of dish soap can do.

Sometimes others notice the dust in our lives; other times we notice it ourselves. Christ already washed away my sins, but dust still accumulates on my feet. And it’s amazing what God can do in my life when I recognize my need and ask Him to wash away the daily dust.

19 October 2023

Catching Cats

On Monday I tried to lure our three cats into the barn before the rain picked up, but none of them seemed all that interested in the idea. Two would enter; one would exit. When I caught that one, the other would escape. And where was number three? I kept trying to catch cats until I became frustrated and then fed up. Finally I decided to entice them with cat food; suddenly all three wanted to be in the barn. I hastily closed the door and hurried to the house.

How does the enemy try to entice humans? He pays attention to any sins they like to dabble in and then tempts them with what he knows will work. But thankfully we have choices to make. We can feed on the fare of this world and provide him with ideas, or we can feed on the Word of God and refuse to give the enemy food for thought.

15 October 2023

Follow the Leader

Have you ever attempted to follow a cat? Yesterday morning I tried that. One minute he raced ahead, the next he fell behind. He skittered across a log; he scurried up an apple tree. At times he rolled onto his back, begging to be pet; other times he zigzagged in front of my feet. Walking became a halting, hazardous affair. Thankfully, following Christ is nothing like following a cat. In the Bible we study how the Lord lived and what He taught. With purpose and patience He leads us on the narrow way; we know His voice, His ways, His Word. He shows us the way, and He never leads us astray.

08 October 2023

Slouching Toward Submission

Some time ago I spied a royal-blue head covering for sale. I reluctantly decided against it; I usually wear a black covering. But I kept the idea in the back of my mind, though it appeared I had lost my opportunity since that color seemed to be missing every time I checked the display. That is, until Thursday. I fondly fingered the material and called my husband over to see what he would say. He mentioned that the color might be a bit too bright for a covering. Slightly disappointed, I set the covering back on the shelf.

About twenty years ago a similar scene took place. I wanted a pair of metallic-blue mirrored sunglasses. My husband, however, pointed out that they looked way too worldly to him. I’m afraid I put up a fuss before and after leaving those sunglasses behind.

When I consider the past, I can see that God is patiently working on me.

01 October 2023

“Ponder the Path”
This morning I took a walk in the woods. Sometimes I accidentally stray from the path, but in an especially confusing spot, my son set out some sticks to define the right way. When I step on those sticks, I know that I have drifted. Today I started to go the wrong way; I recalled Proverbs 4:26. “Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.” If I want to stay on the right spiritual path, then I will carefully consider my ways. And I am thankful that the Bible clearly defines the right way, helping to keep my feet from going astray.