22 October 2023

Just Dust

At some point my mouse pad began the bad habit of slowly sliding across my desk instead of staying in place; eventually I asked my husband for advice. He examined the back of my mouse pad and discovered some dust. He headed to the kitchen, grabbed a nylon brush, and swept away the debris. After that my mouse pad behaved itself and stayed in place.

Inspired, the next day I washed the front of my mouse pad, since I had noticed a spot of dust there as well. It’s amazing what bristles, warm water, and a dab of dish soap can do.

Sometimes others notice the dust in our lives; other times we notice it ourselves. Christ already washed away my sins, but dust still accumulates on my feet. And it’s amazing what God can do in my life when I recognize my need and ask Him to wash away the daily dust.

1 comment:

  1. Amen; we need to be aware of the chastisement of the Lord, and admit we have done wrong. Then, we can turn from sin and live a life that pleases Him.
