28 September 2020

In a yellow wood I thank my Lord for autumn’s golden glow, for September’s scent of spicy leaves when fragrant breezes blow.

21 September 2020

God used a common bush to host His holy fire. My desire? To know how low I am, to let others see His fire burn in me.

14 September 2020

Christ Esteem
When harvest hues and autumn air
Stir my senses and mind,
I think about the years ahead
And the many behind.

I thought I knew it all back then—
Books had taught me a lot.
But after school let out, I learned
Lessons textbooks forgot.

I found I didn’t know so much—
Others knew a lot more.
And wisdom starts with humble hearts—
Wish I’d learned that before.

When silver strands increase, I pray
Wisdom will do the same.
And any good that springs from this
Brings esteem to His name.

07 September 2020

Living Water
An empty seashell rests on shore;
Majestic waves begin to roar. …
That living water starts to pour
And fills that empty space.

Oh, Living Water, set me free
From sin and self that live in me.
Please wash away all my debris
And come to take its place.