27 April 2024

How to Handle a Heretic
Carrie sneezed for the fifth time in a row. “She keeps bringing up her latest heresies; she keeps getting more unbiblical all the time.”

“She’s a heretic. That’s what they do—come up with heresies.” Mark shrugged. “I know you’ve been friends with her for a while, but maybe it’s time to move on. It’s like a sickness. Teresa sneezes into the air, hoping to spread her germs—but heresy is nothing a Christian should catch.”

“I have corrected her twice by now.” Carrie glanced at her husband, and then she gazed down at her tightly gripped tissue. “Teresa has been a good friend to me over the past few years. Yet … Well, I just keep hoping that she will come around, that she will trust the Bible instead of her own prideful fancies. But if God clearly shows me that I need to move on, I will.”

The next morning Carrie awoke feeling much better physically, but when she read a new e-mail from Teresa, a knot formed in her stomach. Carrie prayed and carefully replied; then she headed to the kitchen table for breakfast.

“So I finally ended my friendship with Teresa,” Carrie told her husband after a sip of coffee. “This morning I received another e-mail. Teresa continues trying to entangle me in her heretical views, and there always seems to be a new one she wants to share. This time I simply told her that I must end our friendship, because she refuses to turn from her heresies. As you pointed out, it’s like the cold I’m getting over—heresy tends to spread. And I value the Bible way much more than any friendship. So from a distance, I will fervently pray that she will repent.”

19 April 2024

The picture in the paper caught my eye—a young mom holding her twin babies, or so I supposed. The caption explained that the woman co-owns a day-care center.

A couple of months ago I learned about another story that the newspaper never covered. After working at a company for almost a decade and a half, one woman decided that she should spend more time at home with her children. What did she do about her steady job? She quit.

This world applauds women who run profitable businesses or build prestigious careers. But the Word of God tells us that women are to be “keepers at home.” A lady who leaves the workplace to spend more time caring for her family may not make the news, but such a story brings glory to God and warms the Christian’s heart.

12 April 2024

The Eclipse and Eternity
For nearly three years, one Maine town in the path of totality prepared for the celestial event; thousands of folks flocked to the spot on that dazzlingly sunny day in April; star parks, souvenirs, and festive food awaited visitors who had come to see the sun disappear.

One family south of town prepared by staying away from the busyness; they watched the sky from the solitude of their own backyard. Afterward, they dined on red hot dogs, mac ’n’ cheese, and lemon-meringue pie.

But no matter how we prepared for that special spring day in 2024, how much more should we be prepared for eternity? … 

03 April 2024

The Mystery of the Missing Walkie-Talkie 
One young fellow with a walkie-talkie in his pocket, operated a snowblower at the end of a long driveway. Dad waited inside with the other walkie-talkie. Soon he was notified that the driveway was sufficiently clear; Dad needed to run an errand in town. Later, it was discovered that one of the walkie-talkies was missing. Pockets were searched; the vicinity of Dad’s chair was checked. The week after the disappearance, Mom suggested that somebody should look in and under Dad’s recliner for the errant walkie-talkie; she was informed that this had already been done. She promptly dismissed the idea, but her youngest rechecked anyway—and somehow under Dad’s recliner, the missing walkie-talkie was finally found.

Seeking God? He rewards those who diligently seek Him.