31 December 2021

“Study hard, for the well is deep,
and our brains are shallow.”
—Richard Baxter

28 December 2021

“If Christians win a battle by using worldly means,
they have really lost.”
—Francis Schaeffer

23 December 2021

“Catch on fire with enthusiasm
and people will come for miles
to watch you burn.”
—Charles Wesley

22 December 2021

“Keep us little and unknown,
Prized and loved by God alone.”
—Charles Wesley

20 December 2021

“Trials teach us what we are; 
they dig up the soil, 
and let us see what we are made of.” 
—Charles Spurgeon

18 December 2021

“When you find a chillness upon your souls, and that your former heat begins to abate, ply yourselves with warm clothes, get those good books that may acquaint you with such truths as may warm and affect your hearts.” —Thomas Watson

15 December 2021

“There are many of us that are willing to do great things for the Lord, 
but few of us are willing to do little things.” 
—D.L. Moody

11 December 2021

“Until sin be bitter, Christ will not be sweet.”
—Thomas Watson

08 December 2021

“The carnal person fears man, not God.
The strong Christian fears God, not man.
The weak Christian fears man too much and God too little.”
—John Flavel

05 December 2021

“A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.” —Charles Spurgeon

01 December 2021

“We have no superstitious regard for times and seasons. Certainly we do not believe in the present ecclesiastical arrangement called Christmas: First, because we do not believe in the mass at all, but abhor it, whether it be said or sung in Latin or in English; and, secondly, because we find no Scriptural warrant whatever for observing any day as the birthday of the Savior; and, consequently, its observance is a superstition, because not of divine authority.” —Charles Spurgeon