24 July 2024

Rain for Rudbeckia
By the weathered barn, she endured the downpour with grace—face crumpled a bit, sure, but shining brightly like a lemony Skittle on that gray day. I watched from my bedroom window, the glass bedazzled with diamonds fresh from the sky. I knew nothing could be done for her out there; rescue from the rain would have been the end of my friend. She must drink to grow, to thrive—alive. This storm would grant that and more, for the rain works wonders impossible for the sun.  

O blessed Rudbeckia, bloom on; may we be bright Skittles in the storm!

19 July 2024

My Peanut Prayer
Some folks prefer a cool breeze a-blowin’ even in December; others prefer a little heat even in July. One summer morning I awoke to the roar of the air-conditioning. I dreaded crawling out of my cozy blanket cocoon to encounter an arctic attack flowing from the vents. So in my half-asleep state, I prayed a peanut-size prayer for protection against the impending icy onslaught.

Two minutes before getting-up time, I heard the bathroom door rattle open; seconds later the AC’s bellowing suddenly ceased.

Although I know that my husband had been the one to adjust the thermostat that caused the air-conditioning to subside, I also know that my merciful heavenly Father had answered my peanut prayer in a warm and wonderful way.

12 July 2024

Gracious Guests
The hosts’ home was proclaimed to be both beautiful and comfortable. The guests exclaimed over the pets, enjoyed the outdoor tour of the property, and exulted over the take-out pizza. Prayer requests were shared; lively conversations took place; books and the Bible were discussed. And this pleasant gathering ended happily with hugs and waves goodbye.
Hospitality is a good gift, but so is the gift of being a gracious guest.
When we visit others, perhaps we can offer a hardy handshake, a smile, an attitude of gratitude. After all, serving a gracious guest can lighten the load of a timid or harried host, filling the heart with delight.

03 July 2024

Both Black and Red
Some smudges of grease ended up on my silky-smooth, very-red Bible bookmark. I tried cornstarch; I tried a dab of dish soap. Sadly, neither fully removed the marks of black.

Thankfully, when we repent and place our faith in Christ, His blood completely covers our sin-stained selves. And from then on, God—in His role as Judge—sees only the redness of Jesus’ blood, instead of the blackness of our sin.

But God—in His role as Father—sees the blobs of black that still linger in our lives; He lovingly points them out. He teaches us, chastens us, helps us to be more like Christ.