29 December 2024

Providence on the Prairie 
and Hay
What do you do when the sky is blue and the grass sways in the summer sun? You make hay. Then what do you do when the trees are few and you need to keep warm in winter’s chill? You work with a will, twisting sticks of hay to burn—aplenty each day. My Father sent the sunshine and grew the grass and supplied the idea of turning hay into stout sticks. So let’s do what we ought and give Him the glory for this winter story, praising Him for all that He wrought.  

22 December 2024

Cup of Grace
After a busy day of hard work, Mason decided to buy coffee at a convenience store. And this particular chain sold the freshest, best brew around. Slowly, a dream-colored stream flowed into the cup. Ah, was there anything quite like the aroma of freshly brewed coffee beans? Soon sugar and nondairy creamer danced in his drink, swirled around by a sturdy straw.

Mason stood in line with his cup of coffee; he reached for his pocket to ready his payment. But, alas! His wallet had apparently been left at home. Dripping with disappointment, he returned his coffee to the counter where he had prepared his drink; he then explained to the cashier why the cup had been abandoned there. A customer in line overheard this. “I’ll buy it for you,” he offered. Stunned, Mason quickly assured the man that he didn’t have to do that. But the man assured him back that he knew he didn’t have to, but that he wanted to—if Mason still wanted the coffee. Oh, yes, Mason did and thanked him heartily.

11 December 2024

Plumbing Problems and Providence
Anna peered at her cup as she poured a stream of cream into the coffee. She had boarded a bus on Monday and returned home this Wednesday morning, in part to escape the plumbing problems that plagued her. She had been away for two days; a friend had providentially invited her to visit. They had talked a lot and even laughed some; time together had been a soothing balm. And yet, Anna could never quite forget that the first plumber she had spoken to predicted her nearly new septic system had likely failed—the one that had cost most of what she had in the bank. But the second plumber she consulted had agreed that a toilet clog could be the culprit, and today he intended to take a snake to the task.
Though she desperately hoped the fiasco would be a simple fix, she could hardly believe it at times. After all, the plumbing had reacted similarly when the entire septic system had needed to be replaced after more than 40 years of use. Her time away had been so refreshing compared to this toilet trouble! A change is as good as a rest, and for Anna, fellowship at a friend’s home had been what she needed, her trials temporarily left behind.
Later that morning the plumber arrived; she asked him if he could check the septic tank first. Inside her cottage, Anna awaited the verdict with dread. Had the whole system somehow gone kaput? She found out when the plumber reappeared at the door: The septic-tank filter—the one Anna had no clue even existed—had simply been clogged and needed to be cleaned! Not long later she heard the toilet flush normally—a beautiful sound to Anna. She thanked the plumber for his help, and the Lord for once more meeting her need.

01 December 2024

Persistence in Prayer
Mason moseyed into the convenience store for coffee—ah, the soothing sound of beans being ground and that fragrant brew pouring into a disposable cup! After paying for his purchase, Mason trudged to his truck. His day’s work was done, but a long drive home still lay ahead.
But when Mason pulled back the plastic tab so he could take that initial sip, nothing came out! He could feel the warmth and weight of the drink inside, yet somehow no liquid emerged. He peered at the opening in the lid; instead of coffee, he saw only white. Suddenly the light dawned. Carefully, Mason pried off the lid and revealed what he had expected to see underneath—another lid! He had accidentally grabbed two lids instead of one and placed them on his cup. Mason pulled back the second tab and took that long-anticipated first sip—ah, how that hot coffee finally hit the spot!
Because Mason desired the goodness within the cup, he persisted instead of giving up. When we pray, are our prayers sporadic or persistent? Often we must wait for an answer; may we pray with persistence while we wait.