After a busy day of hard work, Mason decided to buy
coffee at a convenience store. And this particular chain sold the freshest,
best brew around. Slowly, a dream-colored stream flowed into the cup. Ah, was
there anything quite like the aroma of freshly brewed coffee beans? Soon sugar
and nondairy creamer danced in his drink, swirled around by a sturdy straw.
Mason stood in line with his cup of coffee; he reached
for his pocket to ready his payment. But, alas! His wallet had apparently been
left at home. Dripping with disappointment, he returned his coffee to the
counter where he had prepared his drink; he then explained to the cashier why
the cup had been abandoned there. A customer in line overheard this. “I’ll buy
it for you,” he offered. Stunned, Mason quickly assured the man that he didn’t
have to do that. But the man assured him back that he knew he didn’t have to,
but that he wanted to—if Mason still wanted the coffee. Oh, yes, Mason did and
thanked him heartily.