18 February 2024

My Mind’s Sign
The real-estate ad described a gutted older home in glowing terms, until the last sentence: “Enter at your own risk.” At times a sign with those words on it could hang at the entrance to my mind.

Worry turns my mind into a perilous place full of toxic materials. First, I must remember that worry is a sin. Second, I must resolve to trust rather than worry. Third, I must replace those worries with right thoughts. I can sing; I can pray; I can praise. I can ponder the countless times a situation looked impossible and yet the Lord turned it around. I can remind myself that God is on the throne, in control, and on my side. I can reflect on these truths concerning the circumstance: God allowed it; it’s good for me; get over it. 

With God’s help, I can scribble out those last four words of my mind’s sign.

1 comment:

  1. , The cold, long winters, and the isolation are reasons I cannot be lured to live in Maine. This house would definitely scare me away! Lol
