17 August 2024

Learning to Look Up
Stephanie found herself complaining about Cara—again. Why had she never written back? Mom had encouraged giving Cara the benefit of the doubt: Perhaps she disliked writing letters; maybe Stephanie’s envelope had been lost in the mail; Cara could simply have forgotten to take a turn. Who knew?

One day when Stephanie and Mom discovered a pen display at a department store, Stephanie grumbled, “Well, it sure would be helpful if these pens had price tags on them.” Looking around, Mom wondered if the cost could be located somewhere else, but Stephanie was sure the store workers had simply chosen to chuck common sense out the door. Then Mom looked up and spied a big sign above the pen display that clearly revealed the price.

Many moons after the letter incident, Stephanie decided to try writing to Cara again; some days later, Stephanie returned from the mailbox with an envelope. Mom asked, “Who is it from?” Joyfully, Stephanie replied: “CARA!”

What a difference it makes when we learn to look up!

(Photo by Justine Laws)

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