23 February 2025

My Mind, the Roof, and 
Romans 8:28 
Clomp, clomp, clomp—rosh, oof. Clomp, clomp, clomp—rosh, oof. The ruckus on the roof was a little disconcerting; from the bedroom below I couldn’t actually see the activity going on above me. But I knew a few of the details: The snow on the roof had piled up too high and needed to be removed. I knew that somebody trustworthy was busily trudging back and forth, wielding a shovel and ridding the roof of its load.
At times my mind can become overloaded, too. So it’s comforting to know that Somebody up above is constantly working out all things for my good.


  1. What I wanna know is who is Rosh Oof and do I know him?

  2. The snow on my roof melts and slides right off. My mind is still overloaded though. But, my wonderful Lord takes care of me, and gives me peace in spite of the overload. We can always count on him to take care of us regardless of the overload. PTL
