09 February 2025

Rejection Junction
Grumping and grumbling, Roberta continued to read the magazine that had come in the mail. It seemed that every article annoyed her. Two editors desperately needed more narrative nonfiction. She griped that she would help them out, if only the publisher hadn’t rejected her continuing contributions, likely because she had expressed views contrary to the reigning opinions of the staff. And then one writer seemed to have copied an analogy that Roberta had hatched in a book she had written. Groan. Grump. Gripe.
She battled these negative notions, telling herself this and that to hush her hunches. And then she came upon something in the publication that doused the fire within; an article writer had quoted—her! The piece shared words of hers from one of the books she had written. Somehow, that little inclusion in a magazine she had been excluded from, managed to extinguish her fiery feelings.
Slowly, the smoke cleared: God Himself had allowed that rejection for Roberta’s own good, and He also allowed a writer to cite her in a magazine she could no longer write for. God opens doors; God closes doors; God can even crack open a door that had been shut. So why grumble when ultimately her all-wise heavenly Father had been the one to gently close the door to writing for that publisher? And He even kindly slipped Roberta’s name into the magazine to adjust her attitude, and to illuminate the fact that even rejection is for His child’s good.

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