25 November 2019

Hungry for Holiness
A dinner invitation made me curious. What would be on this family’s menu? A crisp garden salad drizzled with dressing? Hot buttered rolls? A meaty, cheesy casserole, with red-velvet cake for dessert? I was hungry for this meal.
But I am also hungry for something else: holiness. First Peter 1:16 commands us to be holy. Am I living a holy life? And what, exactly, is holiness? How does one live this out?
After eating dinner at this family’s home, I asked to borrow several of their books on holiness; apparently they, too, were interested in the subject. So not only had they provided me with a delicious dinner of beef stew, biscuits, and chocolate-chip bars, but a spiritual meal that would last much longer than any physical food ever could.
God knows that I need spiritual food, and He is faithfully serving me the perfect menu through His Word, showing me how a holy life can be lived. At one point, though, I became discouraged about the many times I fail. But a comforting thought occurred to me: It is far better to be hungry for holiness than to feel full. After all, if I already felt full, what hope would I have? I know holiness is a journey that will never end on this earth. So I will keep walking, trusting God to feed me the food I need.

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