29 May 2024

How to Handle a Cow
Today a cow got in my way—not in a barnyard, nor on a country road. In a manuscript that was e-mailed to me for editing, a drawing of a cow appeared unexpectedly. Because of past experiences, I wondered if the document had been scanned into a computer instead of typed, which can cause all kinds of formatting frustrations. But perhaps that was not the case; maybe that cow had ambled onto the page in another way. I needed to ask.
The publisher informed me that the manuscript’s author had inserted the cow drawing, which meant that the text had been typed after all—what a relief!
In another story, a family needed a barn built—winter was a-coming. These newcomers knew only a few folks in the area, but the man mentioned his plight to the nearest neighbor who happened to know plenty of people. He spread the word. On barn-building day, many wagons rumbled up the hill to the rescue.
Whether we need a cow question answered or a barn built, let’s be willing to ask others for help—especially the Lord, who knows exactly what we need.

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