22 May 2024

The Price of a Slice 
of Humble Pie
“Today’s senior special is maple-glazed meat loaf, mashed potatoes, coffee or soda, plus a slice of pie. Anyone can order that meal, but for you two ladies, each item would be half off the menu price.”
“That dinner sounds delicious!” Valerie beamed at the young waitress. “I think my sister and I will be ready to order in a few minutes.” The waitress nodded and dashed off to serve some customers across the room.
Lisa grimaced. “Now why did she assume that we’re seniors? According to the menu, we’re still several years away from this diner’s discount.”
Valerie chuckled. “I’m sure it’s my fault. With all this white hair of mine, I’ve been mistaken for a senior citizen several times. But you know, I consider it a blessing; looking like a grandma lends itself to humility. And shouldn’t that be our Christian disposition at every age?”
Grinning, Lisa tucked a stray strand of silver hair behind her ear. “You are right. Often I’ve been offended by careless comments, but I see your point. If hurtful words can be used by the Lord to humble me, then bring on the maple-glazed meat loaf and slice of pie—even though we’ll have to pay the full price.”

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