19 June 2024

Snatches of Sunshine
Earlier this month, the weather report told of much rain, but here and there the sun peeked out from the clouds. What a surprise! I delighted in those unexpected outdoor opportunities.
God also shares sunshine during our tough times: It’s the dressing-drenched cobb salad for lunch, the shopping stop, the chocolaty treat hidden in the candy jar. God is good and knows how to uplift a sad countenance. He cares; He daily shares sunshine in innumerable ways.
Are you searching for sunshine? Instead of a death grip on that umbrella, take the time to don sunglasses—a ray of sunshine may surprise you on a rainy day.

1 comment:

  1. When we surrender each and every day to the Lord, we can relax and allow Him to lead us us through sorrows as well as joys.Since we grow through the sorrows, they work out for our good. 🩷🙏
