13 October 2024

The Story of Two Suns
One morning I passed the kitchen’s east window and saw the sun; out a west window I saw another sun. Puzzled, I did a double take of this second sun. Later I described what I had seen. Someone said that I must have been dreaming; another stated that the two suns must have been the same one; somebody else correctly concluded that the true sun at the east window must have been reflected on the one across from it.

Though mere man can never match God’s perfect light, its reflection should cause people to pause, to praise the Source, to marvel at the difference God’s light makes in a life.


  1. Well-said.... a powerful object lesson. But-- what is the explanation for the sun in both places?! I'm left blinded by the dazzling quandry, tho' I've already been taken off guard spotting the moon out the west window before I note the sun in the east. And our recent evangelist told of the horrible feeling he experienced for a split second when he noted the sun rising in the west-- he was in unfamiliar territory and "turned-around" in his head. His point was well-made: the predictability of the laws of the Lord are a great comfort, and wonderful miracle not to be taken fore granted!

  2. I think you saw a reflection off the window glass. Is that possible?
